Epordo Time System Software


Can know the current condition of attendance status in pie chart , how many person were late? how many person didn't come to check in? how many person ask for leave etc. and who are these people? this week's attendance status chart, This month attendance status chart,. and get the list of personnel who late,or leave,or absent etc.

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Epordo Time System Software


the software offer IN&OUT report, Daily report, Month/Period Report, Personnel Report, Leave Report etc.
also the report can be output as excel, pdf ect. it offer customerized type report, you can modify the report template to get the report type you want, add title or picture, delete or add data etc.

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Epordo Time System Software


it offer flexible attendance shift setting, it is easy to help you manage leave,rest time, overtime work, holiday, and special work days, different leave type available, you can set it as salary type, or non-salary type, it also help you deal with day-span type work, it give good option setting for IN and Out, Late, Absent, EarlyLeave, Overtime etc.

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Epordo Time System Software

Salary is

all the salary item you can define it by youself, it has fixed type salary type,like basic salary etc, and flexible salary ,like bonus etc, each employee can be different.also you can define your own tax rate according your local law. the most important thing, you can add salary calculation formula,you can use attendance data,month data and salary data in your formula, it can help you deal with different reward and punishment via IF function, it is not simple, it is smart.

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Epordo Time System Software


Automatic Data Receiving, it will receive attendance records from device automatically, so it dont require to download records manually, also you can watch the attendance event records in the window to know who is in or out,it is a realtime monitor center

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Epordo Time System Software


it offer good options for special case, for example, you can add attendance record when the person forget to punch,the record type will marked as manual add, and you can add different worktime for a person, when they work outside, or they work in a special case which attendance punch is not possible or not required.

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Good attendance

This is a very good attendance software, has a great help for your attendance work. Powerful support for a variety of ways of check on work attendance and diverse set of check on work attendance.

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Software configuration process in detail, please refer to website (Epordo Time System Software manual) to configure the above, there are more detailed instructions.

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To download software for efficient and convenient way of attendance!