LongHua district shenzhen,China

We’re open Monday – Saturday, 8 a.m. – 7:30 p.m. EST

Frequently Asked Questions

Please read our FAQ before sending us a message.

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Cómo hacer un pedido en el centro comercial en línea

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Puedo obtener un descuento o comisión de este centro comercial en línea

Por favor, lea este artículo sobre descuentos y comisiones.


Hay algún problema con la recepción de las mercancías por razones aduaneras

“Mi orden no puede ser entregada. - Hay un problem a aduanero"

Por lo general, cuando usted importa mercancías de epordo, el paquete será inspeccionado por la aduana local. Normalmente no hay razón para preocuparse, porque

  • Epordo proporciona todo el papeleo necesario para su envío;
  • En la mayoría de los países, es bastante fácil importar la mayoría de los tipos de electrónica de consumo;
  • El proceso real de despacho de Aduanas suele ser manejado por empresas de mensajería (por ejemplo, UPS, FedEx, DHL);
  • Si hay derechos de aduana (derechos de importación) u otros cargos a pagar, el mensajero normalmente paga primero, luego entrega el producto a usted, y luego usted paga.

Si tiene preguntas sobre su entrega:

  • A veces es posible que necesite proporcionar información a las aduanas locales sobre las mercancías que recibe. En algunos casos, necesitan que usted proporcione una factura que coincida con la factura que acompaña a las mercancías. En este caso, por favor póngase en contacto con nosotros inmediatamente y le proporcionaremos el pdf de la factura de envío.
  • A veces un producto necesita algún tipo de licencia o certificado como soporte. En este caso, la mayoría de nosotros hemos oído hablar de ello por el mensajero y lo manejaremos por usted. Si la aduana se pone en contacto con usted, por favor póngase en contacto con nosotros para obtener ayuda. 

Responsabilidad aduanera

  • Si, por cualquier razón, los productos no pueden entregarse a usted debido a problemas aduaneros, discutiremos con usted caso por caso.
  • Si las mercancías son incautadas o devueltas por culpa de epordo (por ejemplo, documentos incorrectos), volveremos a entregarlas a su propio costo o le proporcionaremos crédito para un nuevo pedido.
  • Es su responsabilidad si las mercancías no pueden entregarse debido a las limitaciones de su país. Por ejemplo, si decide tratar de importar cámaras CCTV grabadas, pero la tecnología es ilegal o restringida debido a la legislación local del país de destino de la entrega, es su responsabilidad saberlo antes de hacer un pedido con epordo. Si la entrega no es posible por esta razón, no podemos proporcionar ninguna compensación, ya que como importador, es su trabajo conocer las regulaciones locales. Otro caso en el que usted debe asumir la responsabilidad es en el que su país requiere que usted tenga una licencia para importar bienes comerciales: En este caso, usted es responsable de saber esto antes de hacer un pedido a epordo, y no podemos proporcionar ninguna compensación si la entrega falla.
  • Como importador, usted es el único responsable de responder a sus propias preguntas sobre la entrega de las mercancías importadas. Como se indica en nuestros términos y condiciones, usted será responsable de los derechos de importación, los impuestos sobre las ventas y cualquier otro gasto aduanero. Si la entrega fracasa debido a su falta de respuesta a la comunicación aduanera o a su negativa a pagar las tasas aplicables, no le daremos ninguna compensación.
¿Debo pagar impuestos?

"¿Tengo que pagar impuestos por la orden que compré en epordo?"

Aproximadamente Depende del país en el que reciba las mercancías.

Los impuestos son un problem a complejo, ya que depende del país en el que reciba las mercancías. Algunos países son fáciles de importar, con pocas restricciones y sin impuestos. Otros países son muy restrictivos y tienen altos impuestos. Antes de empezar a importar grandes cantidades de productos electrónicos chinos a su país, necesita estudiar sus leyes y prácticas.

Lea las siguientes notas para algunos antecedentes básicos...

Epordo no recauda IVA:

  • No hay ventas de impuestos o cargas ocultas para pagar en el lado chino cuando se compra en epordo. Com - however, you may need to pay some Taxes on your local Side when you receive the goods. Lea la etiqueta para más información.
  • Cuando usted compra de China, y los productos son entregados a su país, esto es por definición importar. Esto significa que el proceso a recibir los buenos normalmente será diferente a simplemente comprar productos de orden de correo de la tienda dentro de su país.

Import Duty and Sales Tax Charged By Your Country:

  • Some countries charge tax on certain imported products, at certain quantity/value levels. Some countries do not. You are responsible for finding out the situation in your own country.
  • Whatever you order from epordo, we will send you. We won't enforce any rules so it's up to you to make sure that what you are buying is OK to import in your country.
  • Many countries charge two kinds of tax when you import anything from overseas. These are (1) Sales Tax (VAT); (2) Import Duty. Usually these taxes are not very high,and the tax is calculated according to the value of the goods (+ shipping sometimes). On the other hand, many countries do not charge any tax on certain types of goods, or on small shipments.

Declared Value: Packet Value Affects Tax

  • Usually, importing big quantities of goods from overseas is controlled by your country's customs quite strictly, but smaller quantities can be imported more freely. The definition of "big quantity" and "small quantity" (often defined by a value "threshhold") varies from country to country.
  • The term "ad valorem" in import taxes means that the tax you have to pay is calculated as a percentage of the total value of the goods (+sometimes the shipping too). Obviously there would be an advantage to declare the value of the goods lower in such cases. This is known as "under-declaring" the goods and is not permitted, despite being widespread practice. Any customization you request from us in regard to declaration value on the shipping paperwork is at your own risk.

Declared Contents: Packet Contents Affect Tax

  • The category of goods you are importing often has an effect on whether you have to pay tax, or how much.
  • Obviously, certain categories of dangerous or restricted goods are illegal to import in most countries. Other, specific restrictions on certain items such as laser products or AV recording devices may apply in your country as well - please research that information for your local country.
  • The declared contents of a package must be true and accurate for customs purposes. Any customization you request from us regarding declaration of packet contents is at your own risk.

Tax And Air Mail Packets

  • Typically, taxes are more often / more strictly applied to courier shipments (UPS, FedEx, DHL) than postal shipments (Air Mail, USPS, EMS). In many countries, for single items, postal shipping is a simple way to reduce or eliminate import taxes.
  • However, shipping by air mail is not necessarily a guarantee of avoiding such taxes.

How To Pay Import Taxes

  • If you have to pay any tax on the goods you receive, the most common way is that the taxes are first paid at customs by the courier (e.g. DHL, FedEx, UPS) and then you simply pay back the courier using cash or your credit card, when they deliver the goods to your door.
  • On bigger orders (meaning, for most countries, anything more than one or two cartons) you should consider hiring a professional licensed Customs Broker to assist you with the clearance of your goods when they arrive in your destination country. This is because tax and contents assessment is applied most strictly to bigger shipments.

Why You Need To Do Your Own Research

  • Import and tax rules are (a) different in every country; (b) changing often; (c) highly dependent on the shipment size and contents; and (d) not consistently applied by your country's different ports and customs houses. Therefore epordo cannot offer you specific advice about how much tax you will have to pay, or any guarantees related to this issue.
  • We will always do our best to help you import successfully and profitably. If you have any doubts, simply open a live chat or help ticket with our English-speaking Customer Support Team.
  • Sometimes the importing rules according to your country's government and customs are not enforced as strictly or consistently as they say. A good way to find out the realities of importing into your country is to begin with a series of smaller orders from epordo and make careful notes of what (if any) steps you had to go through or charges you had to pay. You may be pleasantly surprised how easy importing is for you.

Who Provides Import Paperwork?

  • In general all the paperwork required for clearing your goods through customs is provided by epordo. Usually the shipping invoice and courier waybill included with all shipments from epordo is sufficient.
  • Sometimes additional paperwork such as product licences are required by customs. We track all of your shipments until they reach you, so if there is such a requirement, we will respond to it promptly on your behalf, usually without the need for you to take any action.
  • You may need to show a copy of the shipping invoice to receive your products in some cases, and we will give you the papers you need on request.
  • It is your responsibility to confirm the details of the shipping paperwork with epordo before the goods are sent out. We will follow your instructions for customizing the shipping documentation according to your requirements, and you, as the importer, bear full responsibility for any exception arising from this paperwork.

Tax Liability

  • The importer is solely responsible for all import taxes, sales taxes, and any other customs-related charges.
  • epordo accepts no liability for any such charges. Importing taxes and charges cannot and will not be quoted/predicted, and they cannot be reimbursed to you under any circumstances.
  • If an importer refuses to pay taxes or otherwise refuses to comply with requirements of the importing or customs clearance process, the goods will usually not be delivered successfully. In such cases the goods could be seized by customs, destroyed, or returned back to China. In any such cases you, the importer, bear sole responsibility provided no error has been made by epordo in following your order requirements.

Getting More Information About Taxes

  • Please undertake your own research about import regulations and taxes in your country. We can offer informal pre-sales advice, but we will not offer any formal advice or guarantees due to this issue being beyond our control.
  • After you have placed your order from epordo, make sure you get in touch with us to confirm details of any customization that you require for your shipping invoice declarations.
  • After your packets have been sent out from our warehouse, we will stay in touch with you and help you with any further importing process steps.
Do you have a guarantee or warranty?

Do you have a guarantee or warranty?

Yes - Epordo only chooses to stock the very best quality products from professional China manufacturers. The quality is guaranteed.

All products that arrive in the Epordo warehouse are checked for perfect appearance and correct functionality by our QC engineers.

Our packing team checks again to make sure that the right accessories are included and that the electrical / socket adapters are correct for your country.

(Please note in the case of region-specific items such as PAL / NTSC TV/Video Color Regions, digital TV, GSM mobile phones etc you are responsible for ordering the correct units and we will send you exactly what you order.)

How does the warranty work?

Due to our stringent sourcing and QC processes, the fault rate on products shipped out by Epordo is very low. However, sometimes faults develop which couldn't be detected before, and we will allow you to return the product for testing and a free repair. The warranty exactly lasts for 3 months from the day you have received the product.

In the case of delivery methods or destinations which lack a confirmed delivery tracking date, we will take the assumption that the warranty period starts 30 days after we sent out your order.

for More, please check our TERMS&SERVICE AGREEMENT's Warranty And Returns click here

My Product Has A Problem! What Can I Do?

My Product Has A Problem! What Can I Do

Epordo undertakes the strictest Quality Control of all the products we sell.

Our factories have their own quality control processes,  When products come into the oversea warehouse we have a team of qualified technicians who are dedicated to confirming the products are correct, in perfect condition, and working perfectly.

But sometimes things can go wrong... that's why we back all our products with a 3 month guarantee. For full details of the warranty click here.

If, unfortunately, the product you bought from epordo.com seems to have a problem, please note that

what we can do is to allow you to return the faulty product for a free repair. If the product is not repairable, we will credit or refund. Please find below the details of how we can help you.

What to do in 3 steps

Step 1
Try to troubleshoot the item by checking the manual we provide in the package .Often we can solve the problem for you without you needing to send anything back. In many cases the product seems to have a problem, but it can be solved by restarting, installing properly, or fixing an accessory.

Step 2
If you still have difficulties with your item especially for complicated products such as Car DVD Players, GPS, fingerprint or Security Camera Systems we will recommend that you get the product installed or inspected by a qualified technician to confirm that it is faulty rather than incorrectly installed.

Step 3
Once you have confirmed the product is faulty thanks to step 1 and 2 Contact us. Provide your order number and the product code and all the steps you have tried to remedy this issue. We will review your case to allow a return under warranty.

You're covered by our 3 month guarantee.
So if the product doesn't work, we'll help you send it back to us in China to get it fixed. Click the links below to find out more information about how we'll help you...

Problems Receiving the Product

Not As Described

Dead On Arrival

Product Broken Down

Other Problems...

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