Time attendance Work shift design

Time Attendance Software work Shift design includes four types work shift setting, Normal work shift, Weekend work shift, Festival Work Shift, Free work shift/flexible work shift, both with normal type and overtime type work.
Time attendance software work shift desgin

Here for some special case:
Lunch time and rest time how to set it? In the attendance shift, there is no lunch time and rest time define,
any time period between two work time section, you can take it as rest time or lunch time, or any other
special time for a workday.
How to make overtime work? please check the time section setting , overtime setting , and belong to
overtime work option
Other special case, please find solution in time section setting, and shift type

work time period setting.
There are three type work, normal type work(normal shift), weekend work(weekend shift), festival work
(festival shift) , also please note that, one day only can have one shift, overstep day type work also have one
shift., means one shift can include only max 24 hours.
In order to recognize the different shift, the shift can be settled as different color

Normal Work, Weekend work, Festival work shift

include records setting, overstep day, overtime setting, late, absent,, each work time work section will has your own setting.

Free Work shift:

the staff can come to work and leave work at any time, it will automatically calculate the work time , also you can settle the free work with overstep day , means employee can come to work today , and leave work tomorrow. also different free work shift can give with different date.