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Our Employees

Epordo has provided a favorable environment for the growth for employees and help the employees to realize their potential skills.
Career Path  
Code of Conduct
Epordo has a Business Code of Conduct, which ensures that all our employees hold themselves to high standards of ethical behavior.
The code contains a trust statement, basic principles of business conduct and guidelines, and responsibilities, which help to define our company culture. Moreover, our company's culture of "Together with EPORDO" unites us as a company that understands and adheres to our corporate values and to the laws of the countries in which we do business.
Staff Training
Epordo committed to building a learning organization, and established a variety of training programs for employees, including the New Employee Orientation Program and in-service training programs.
We help new employees adapt to the company, the New Employee Orientation Program comprises classes which cover a wide range of topics, including corporate culture, product knowledge, sales and marketing skills. Depending on the individual's position and job scope, the training programs may last from one to six months.

Career Path

Qihan offers a Career Development Path for all our employees, which comprises of a managerial path and a technical / professional path, which allows employees to choose an appropriate career goal for their personal development based on their personal characteristics and career interests.