Time Attendance Software New Version 4.1 Launch

What is new in this verion?

time attendance software
1.Automatically give xls report, then you dont need to make report file for each employee, the software can make the file for you automatically. you only need to select the excel print option in the report output funtion, then it can generate the file to you select folder, and make report file for each employee at you settled format style.

2.customerized format avaiable, you can define and design your report formate, it very easy, only need to you can assign any data field of the software to any excel cell in excell. 100% customerizable.

like this #shift means the software will input the shift name here 

time attendance software rule setting

3. Easy to register software, now it can easy to install,support win7 32bit, and 64 bit ,and win8 32bit and 64 bit